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Keeping children safe online

To help your children use the internet safely, please read the official advice from the police on online safety for children. (CEOP) - see links below.

You can also see our page containing advice and links for children, which can be found below:

Our latest e-safety and acceptable use policy can be found here:


We have recently held a parents meeting about supporting the Smart Phone Free Childhood campaign. Slides from the presentation and a summary document can be found below.  More information can be found on their website here

SMART Rules Desktop Background

Reliable sites we've used in the past:
  • Vodafone's guide to digital parentingVodaphone have produced a range of articles that support parents in suporting their children online - these come highly recommended and are updated regularly.

  • CEOP WebsiteA police website containing advice for parents and children about internet safety. Also allows you to report any inappropriate online activity directed at children.

  • Think U Know for ParentsLinking closely with our e-safety policy, this site gives lots of information about how to stay safe online. Highly recommended!

  • NSPCC Need-to-know GuidesA series of guides for parents covering a range of issues

  • NSPCC Online SafetyHelpful advice and tools you can use to help keep your child safe whenever and wherever they go online.

  • NSPCC - It's My ChildlineWebsite for under 12s

  • A guide for parents regarding social networking A practical guide for parents and carers whose children are using social media.

  • Radicalisation and Extremism Advice How to protect your child from radicalisation and extremism.

  • Parents Protect Part of a charity called the Lucy Faithful Foundation, this site gives lots of very useful advice - including a great jargon buster section.

  • Ask About Games Lots of advice about issues and dangers associated with online gaming.

  • Parent Zone Going way beyond just offering advice about online safety, there's lots of advice here for all sorts of issues affecting parents and carers of young people.

  • Internet Matters Lots of advice about inappropriate content, cyberbullying, online grooming, sexting, online reputation, self-Harm, online images and radicalisation.

  • Keeping your child safe on an iPad From techradar, a reputable technology site, this offers lots of advice about how to keep your child safe on an iPad.

  • Keeping your child safe on an Android device From techradar, a reputable technology site, this offers lots of advice about how to keep your child safe on an android device.

  • Safer Internet CentreEducation packs giving advice on how to support children in using the internet safely.

  • Own It A BBC website to help minimise the risk for children aged 9 to 12 in the digital world.

  • Our Pact An app which helps parents to control their child's internet useage.

  • ParentINFO A collaboration between Parent Zone and CEOP providing support to teachers and parents

  • NSPCC Parents' digital safety and wellbeing kit A guide to support parents with their children's online safety

  • AACOSS online advice video Support video for parents in protecting children on line

  • Online safety: sharing videos and images Information on how to keep children safe when sharing videos and images